Top 5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy - Prescott AZ Chiropractor

5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy – Prescott AZ Chiropractor

Why should expecting mothers see a chiropractor?

Whether you’re planning to have kids, just starting your first term, feeling the pains of the third term, or have recently given birth, a chiropractor can be an essential part of your health and the health of your child. Ideally, we chiropractors strive to work with women in the planning phases of their pregnancy. Often first-time mothers are referred into the practice in the later stages of their pregnancy due to back pain, pubic pain, round ligament pain and/or breech presentations. More often than not, these same mothers become lifetime members of our chiropractic family and we are able to plan and prepare for future deliveries.

With pregnancy comes a crucial period of care for Mom and her baby. Your responsibilities are effectively doubled in the prenatal period. Pregnancy comes with various complications physically, chemically, and emotionally. Apart from the emotional strains, the physical strains like neck, upper back, lower back, and pelvic pains are all too common. These physical symptoms can, to a great extent, be reduced with chiropractic care. Researchers and practitioners have linked chiropractic care and prenatal care in various aspects (1)

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Top 5 Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Inevitably numerous symptoms come along with pregnancy, many of these can be helped with chiropractic care. There are several underlying causes of pain and dysfunction that a chiropractor can effectively reduce. Let's dig into some of the most common benefits that chiropractic care can offer for our Prenatal Prescott, AZ community(2)

1. Reduce the pains of a growing womb.

One common and annoying side effect of pregnancy is pain. Particularly pain surrounding the spine and pelvis due to the extra weight and the inevitable changes in your center of gravity. A chiropractor is trained to effectively and efficiently reduce such pain and muscle tensions. They are also trained to help you change the activities of daily living that may contribute to worsening symptoms as well as nutritional components that may help naturally reduce inflammation safely. During the later stages of pregnancy, the natural production of relaxin also tends to loosen your ligaments, making them more vulnerable to pain and malposition of the pelvis. An evaluation and adjustment by a neurologically based chiropractor can help you ease such pain, restore motion, rebalance your pelvis and allow for your nervous system to work with ease. 

2. Proper baby positioning.

A baby ideally needs to be in a headfirst position at the time of delivery to reduce unreasonable complications. The breech presentation is any position other than head down, this includes transverse positions. Breech positions are multifactorial in cause and can be categorized as structural or functional. Structural causes of breech presentations include irregularly shaped uterus or issues with the cord. Functional causes are related to your everyday routines such as poor sitting, standing, and sleeping postures.  Without proper care, situations like cord prolapses can cause severe issues both to the baby and the mother. In the hospital setting, these situations often lead to a cesarean section. To encourage a normal delivery, chiropractic can help maintain your pelvic balance to keep the baby optimally positioned for your big day. 

3. Chiropractic reduces labor time and complications

Adding chiropractic care to your prenatal routine can decrease your labor span and can encourage a much smoother, painless delivery.

“According to a study, patients who received chiropractic care from at least the tenth week of pregnancy through labor and delivery experienced significantly reduced mean labor times compared to women who were not receiving chiropractic care. Out of the two groups of women who were studies during their first pregnancy, those receiving Chiropractic care averaged 24% shorter labor times than those not receiving chiropractic care. Of those women who were experiencing their second or third pregnancy, those under Chiropractic care averaged 39% shorter labor times compared to those who were not receiving chiropractic care. These findings suggest that Chiropractic methods would play an important expanded role in prenatal care. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy could result in shorter labor times, decreased use of pain medications, and increased quality health care for patients.” (3)

4. Reduced nausea

With pregnancy feeling nauseous comes hand in hand. It may seem unusual, but there have been some studies showing that those with regular chiropractic care during pregnancy can help relieve morning sickness symptoms. Chiropractic care will not only make your back feel better, but it will also encourage optimum mechanics and neurological function. Chiropractic care has been shown to lessen the frequency and severity of morning sickness in many new moms under regular chiropractic care. Chiropractic along with nutritional recommendations can make all the difference.

5. A healthy pregnancy to delivery period

The primary aim of chiropractic care is to ensure that your nervous system is functioning properly. The optimal functioning of your nervous system is crucial as it is the master system controlling the overall immunity and organ functions of the body. A healthy functioning nervous system is integral to the health of mom and baby alike. Prenatal chiropractic care can ease your pregnancy and help you keep some unwanted symptoms away. (4)

Prenatal Chiropractic Care in Prescott, AZ

Prescott Family Chiropractic is committed to helping young families live extraordinary lives through chiropractic care and wellness practices. Often, many parents are nervous about seeing a new doctor. It is our goal to ease this anxiety and provide you with a caring environment for kids, parents, and grandparents alike. Check out our What To Expect link for more information.

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